I do public speaking in Spanish, English and French. Contact me for speaking opportunities about Blockchain, Ethereum, Node Ecosystem and other technology topics.
Here are some examples of conferences and events I’ve spoken at.
Many talks at meetups and conferences like EthCC, OpenSourceSummit and Paris Blockchain week.
Permissioning with Besu, EthCC 2020
Ethereum Node Ecosystem, EthCC 2020
Redmond WA, USA
TruffleCon Panel + talk
Panel: “A Conversation with the IMPAKT Stack”
Workshop: “Permissioning In Enterprise Ethereum”
Fintech conferences + product roadshows
Devcon5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iONPGPbByWU
PegaSys and Besu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vodq6sgY3Mo
Lightning talk – Devcon
Besu and PegaSys:
Enterprise Ethereum and Revolution in Banking Summit 2019
Insurtech / Unconference – 40min talk
Legacy, Insurtech 2017
Several at EthBerlin, Dappcon and blockchain meetups.
Meetups & online groups
Blockchain Chile:
Hyperledger Besu, Blockchain Academy Chile
EthereumToulouse organizer and speaker: https://www.meetup.com/Ethereum-Toulouse/
Speaker and Mentor: 500 Nigerian Devs https://medium.com/@bloceducare/announcing-500-nigerian-devs-for-ethereum-pilot-project-36b699be23e2
Other speaking opportunites at:
- Blockchain Colombia
- Hyperledger Argentina
- Hyperledger Barcelona
- Hyperledger Chile
- InterCon 2020
- Maison du Bitcoin, Paris
- NONCON 2020